
Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Letters to Juliet
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told... 
Is Your Own
Sophie: My name is Sophie. 
I just... I followed you, and I saw that you put the letters into a basket and I just wondered why.
Isabella: Why? Come, I show you.
[walk to the window and notice some women walk on the street]
They come from all over the world every day.
Sophie: But, taking their letters? Is that not like taking pennies from a wishing well?
Isabella: How else can we give them answers?
Sophie: Oh my God. So you write all of them back.
Isabella: Yes...
Sophie: You're all Juliet.
Isabella: Her secretaries.
Donatella has been married 51 years to the same man.
She handles husband problems.
Donatella: Husbands are like wine. They take a long time to mature.
Isabella: Francesca is a nurse. She deals with illness and loss.
And Maria... [sighs]
Maria: Why do you always sigh when you say my name?
Isabella: She has 12 children, 29 garndchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren.
She writes whatever she likes.
Sophie: And you?
Francesca: Isabella answers the ones you can barely read. [handed a letter to Sophie]
Isabella: Yeah, the lovers' quarrels, the breakups, the really tangled hearts.
Someone has to do it.

Charlie: May I ask, which one of you wrote this letter to my grandmother, Claire Smith?
Sophie: I wrote that. And I can't believe that it found you.
Charlie: Yes, we Brits tend to stay in our family homes.
Sophie: Yeah, this is amazing. It's less than a week since I mailed it.
Charlie: It was a very thoughtful letter.
Now, what were you thinking?
Sophie: I was thinking that she deserved an answer.
Charlie: Yeah, 50 years ago, maybe. Not now!
Sophie: I'm sorry, I didn't know true love had an expiration date.
Charlie: True love? Are you joking?
Could you imagine what would've happened if she hadn't seen sense?
Sophie: Well yeah, you wouldn't be here and that would be an upside.
Charlie: What are you doing here anyway?
Are you some lonely American girl who has to live vicarously through others?
Sophie: I'm not lonely, I'm engaged.
Charlie: Hmph, my condolences to the groom.

Sophie, following Charlie: Excuse me! So that's it?
You've come all the way from London to give me a lecture?
Charlie: No, I came because I couldn't let my grandmother come on her own.
Sophie: Oh my God, that's awesome! She's come to find her Lorenzo!
Charlie, stopped walking: Awesome? [smirking]
And if Lorenzo doesn't want to see her, has forgotten her, is gravely ill or dead,
let's say, just for fun, then what?
[Sophie couldn't answer]
Thought so!

Sophie: So you must feel like you're about to find your long lost soulmate.
Claire: Yes.
Charlie: Her soulmate was my grandfather.
Let's not invalidate my entire existence.

[after Claire knocks the door]
Charlie: What if the wife answers and goes into a fit of jealous rage, Gran?
Claire: Well, I'd be flattered.
I'm more worried that he won't remember me.

If I found the love of my life, I wouldn't stand there like an idiot, whispering in a garden.
I would just grab her from that blasted balcony and be done with it.

Sophie: Do you believe in destiny?
Charlie: Do you?
Sophie: Yeah, I think so.

Sophie: Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move.
Charlie: Doubt truth be a liar, but never doubt I love.

Claire: I'm sorry I was late.
Lorenzo: No. When we're speaking about love, it's never too late.

Claire: I think you'll understand why I'm telling you you're a total idiot.
Charlie: Okay, then don't sugarcoat it, Gran.
Claire: I won't.
How many Sophies do you think there are on this planet?
Don't wait 50 years like I did.

Dear, Claire.
'What' and 'If' are 2 words as non-threatening as words can be.
But put them together, side by side, 
and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.
'What if?'
I don't know how your story ended,
but if what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late.
If it was true then, why wouldn't  it be true now?
You need only the courage to follow your heart.
I don't know what a love like Juliet's feels like, 
a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for,
but I'd like to believe, if I ever were to feel it, that I'd have the courage to seize it.
And Claire, if you didn't, I hope one day that you will.
All my love, Juliet
~Sophie's letter

Listen to me, very very carefully.
I live in London. A gorgeus, vibrant, historic city that I happen to love living in.
Yu live in New York, which is highly overrated.
But since the Atlantic Ocean is a bit wide to cross every day; swimming, boating or flying,
I suggest we flip for it.
And if those terms are unacceptable, leaving London will be a pleasure,
as long as you're waiting for me in the other side.
Because the truth is, Sophie, I am madly, deeply, truly, passionately in love with you.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

AVATAR [2009]

Enter the World
Out there beyond that fence, every little thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud,
wants to kill you and eat your eyes for Jujubes.
We have an indigenous population of humanoids called The Na'vi.
They're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that'll stop your heart in 1 minute.
And they have bones reinforced with naturally occuring carbon fiber.
They are very hard to kill.
As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive.
I will not succeed, not with all of you.
If you wish to survive, you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.
You've got to obey the rules, Pandora rules.
~Col. Miles Quaritch

Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called avatars.
They're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives.
~Jake Sully

The concept is that every driver is matched to his own avatar,
so that their nervous systems are in tune... or something.
Which is why they offered me the gig, because I can link with Tommy's avatar.
~Jake Sully

Jake: Is this right? I just say whatever to the video log?
Norm: Yeah. We gotta get in the habit of documenting everything.
What we see, what we feel.
It's all part of the science.
Dr. Max Patel: And good science is good observation.

Norm: Grace Augustine is a legend.
She's the head of the avatar programme.
She wrote the book, I mean, literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany.
Dr. Max Patel: That's because she likes plants better than people.

This is why we're here... Unobtanium.
Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo.
That's the only reason.
It's what pays for the whole party. It's what pays for your science.
Now, those savages are threatening our whole operation, we're on the brink of war,
and you're supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution.
So use what you've got and get me some results.
~Parker Selfridge

Grace: So you just figured you'd come out here, to the most hostile environment,
known to man with no training of any kind, and see how it went?
What was going through your head?
Jake: Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I coudn't do.

Col. Miles: Look, Sully, I want you to learn this savages from the inside.
I want you to gain their trust.
I need to know how to force their cooperation or hammer them hard if they won't.
Jake: Am I still with Augustine?
Col. Miles: On paper.
You walk like on of her science pukes, you quack like one, 
but you report to me.

Jake: If you love your little forest friends, why not let them just kill my ass?
What's the thinking?
Neytiri: Why save you?
Jake: Yeah, why save me?
Neytiri: You have a strong heart, no fear... but stupid!
Ignorant like a child!

Moat: What are you called?
Jake: Jake Sully.
Moat: Why did you come to us?
Jake: I came to learn.
Moat: We have tried to teach other Sky People.
It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.
Jake: Well, my cup is empty, trust me.

My daughter will teach you our ways.
Learn well, Jakesully.
Then we will see if your insanity can be cured.

Neytiri: To become taronyu, hunter, 
you must choose your own ikran and he must choose you.
Jake: When?
Neytiri: When you are ready.

[after shot a prey]
I see you, brother, and thank you.
[stab it]
Your spirit goes with Eywa.
Your body stays behind to become part of The People.
~Jake Sully

Neytiri: Now you choose your ikran.
This you must feel inside.
If he also chooses you, move quick like I showed.
You will have one chance, Jake.
Jake: How will I know if he chooses me?
Neytiri: He will try to kill you.
Jake: Outstanding!

Neytiri: It is Toruk, Last Shadow.
May grandfather's garndfather was Toruk Macto, Rider of Last Shadow.
Jake: He rode this?
Neytiri: Toruk chose him. It has only happened 5 times since the time of The First Songs.

Everything is backwards now.
Like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream.
~Jake Sully

The Na'vi say that every person is born twice.
The second time is when you earn your place among The People forever.
~Jake Sully

Neytiri: You are Omaticaya now.
You may make your bow from the wood of Hometree.
And you may choose a woman.
We have may fine women.
Ninat is the best singer.
Jake: But I don't want Ninat.
Neytiri: Peyral is a good hunter.
Jake: Yes, she is a good hunter.
But I've already chosen. But this woman must also choose me.
Neytiri: She already has.

Jake, pleads for Eywa: You chose me for something.
I will stand and fight, you know I will.
But I need a little help here.
Neytiri: Our Great Mother does not take sides, Jake.
She protects only the balance of life.
Jake: It was worth a try.



Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Revenge Takes Many Forms
For the last 2 years, 
an advanced team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my commands.
Together, we form an alliance with the humans: 
a secret but brave squat of soldiers, a classified strike team called NEST.
We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes,
hiding in different countires around the world.
~Optimus Prime

Ironhide: Punk-ass, Decepticon!
Optimus Prime: Any last words?
Wheelbot: This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
Epps: That doesn't sound good.
Optimus Prime: Not today. [shoot Wheelbot]

When you go, he goes.
I cannot live with a psychotic alien in my garage!
~Judy Witwicky, about Bumblebee

You're an Autobot.
You shouldn't be living in my dad's garage.
You're suffocating in here. You deserve better than this.
The guardian thing is done. You did your job. I'm safe now.
You need to go be with Optimus Prime and the others.
~Sam, to Bumblebee.

You'll always be my first car.
Love you, Bee.
~Sam, to Bumblebee

You gotta wonder, if God made us in his image, who made him?
~Epps, about Optimus Prime

Galloway: Under the classified Alien/Autobot Cooperation Act,
you agreed to share your intel with us, but not your advancements in weaponry.
Optimus Prime: We've witnessed your human capacity for war.
It would absolutely bring more harm than good.
Galloway: But who are you to judge what's best for us?
Lennox: With all due respect, we've been fighting side by side in the field for 2 years.
Epps: We've shed blood, sweat, and precious metal together.
Galloway, to Epps: Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk.
Epps, mumbling: Don't tempt me!
Galloway: And the newest members of your team...
I understand they arrived here after you sent a message into space,
an open invitation to come to earth,
vetted by no one at The White House.
General Morshower: Let me stop you right there, Mr. Galloway.
It was vetted right here.
And in my experience, the judgement of both Major Lennox and his team
has always been above reproach.
Galloway: Well, be that as it may, General,
it is the position of the President that when our national security is at stake,
no one is above reproach.

Galloway: So let me ask, 
if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served
by denying your further asylum on our planet,
will you leave peacefully?
Optimus Prime: Freedom is your right.
If you make that request, we will honor it.
But before your President decides, please ask him this.
What if we leave, and you're wrong?

Optimus Prime: I'm here for your help, Sam,
because your leaders believe we brought vengeance upon your planet.
Perhaps they are right.
That is why they must be reminded by another human of the trust we share.
Sam: This isn't my war.
Optimus Prime: Not yet, but I fear it soon will be.

Sam: I'm sorry, I really am.
Optimus Prime: Sam, fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing.
Sam: You're Optimus Prime, you don't need me.
Optimus Prime: We do, more than you know.

Fallen: For millenia, I have dreamed of my return to that wretched planet
where I, too, was once betrayed by The Primes I called my brothers.
Only a Prime can defeat me, and now, only one remains.
Megatron: Optimus! He protects the boy.
Fallen: Then the boy will lead us to him and revenge will be ours.

[whispering argue at the library]
Mikaela: I can tell that you really missed me a lot, Sam!
Sam: Look, it's not my fault, okay?
Mikaela: It's not your fault?
Sam: Listen, I'm a victim!
Mikaela: You're a victim? Of what? A little 80-pound girl?
Sam: Of molestation.
It was like getting humped in the neck by a mountain ox!
Mikaela: You didn't have to put your tongue in her mouth!
Sam: I didn't!
Mikaela: You did!
Sam: Look, you ever had your stomach tongued by a mountain ox with a 5-foot tongue?
It's not fun for me, okay, Mikaela.
And it smelled like... like diesel! Like a diesel-y tinge to it!
Mikaela: You're such a little girl!

Revenge is mine.

I spent my whole adult life combing the planet for aliens,
and you're carrying around one in your purse like a little chihuahua.

Jetfire: I change sides to The Autobots.
Sam: What do you mean 'changed sides'?
Jetfire: It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision.
So much negativity.
Who wants to live a life filled with hate?

Somewhere buried in this desert, our ancestors built a great machine.
It harvest Energon by destroying suns.
In the beginning, there were 7 Primes, our original leaders.
And they set out into the universe, seeking distant suns to harvest.
The Primes set out with one rule, never destroy a planet with life,
until one of them try to defy this rule.
And his name forevermore was The Fallen.
He despised the human race and he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine.
The only way to activate it is with a legendary key called The Matrix of Leadership.
A great battle took place over possession of The Matrix.
The Fallen was stronger than his brothers, 
so they had no choice but to steal and hide it from him.
In the ultimate sacrifice, they gave their lives to seal The Matrix away,
in a tomb made of their very own bodies, a tomb we cannot find.
Somewhere, buried in this desert, that deadly machine remains.
The Fallen knows where it is and if he finds the tomb of The Primes,
your world will be no more.

Sam: Then how do you get us to The Matrix before The Decepticons get to me?
Jetstar: Follow your mind, your map, your symbols.
What you carved in the sands, it's your clue.
"When dawn alights The Dagger's Tip, Three Kings will reveal the doorway".
Find the doorway! Go now, go!
That was my mission. It's your mission now!

Do you realize that I just flew 3000 miles to keep you from getting killed?
Who else could be your girlfriend, Sam?
Look at the things I go through with you.
~Mikaela Banes

Mikaela: You can't bring him back, Sam. There's nothing left.
Sam: Look! Look around you!
We didn't just go through everything we went through for no reason at all
to just have it end like this.
There is a reason that we are here.
The voices and the symbols in my head led us here for a purpose.
[Sam collecting The Matrix dust into his sock]
Everyone' s after me because of what I know,
and what I know is that this is going to work.
Mikaela: How do you know it's gonna work?
Sam: Because I believe it.

Remember what I did to my country.
This is my moment.

We have been watching you a long, long time.
You have fought for Optimus, our last descendant, 
with courage and with sacrifice, the virtues of a leader.
A leader worthy of our secret.
The Matrix of Leadership os not found, it is earned.
Return now to Optimus.
Merge The Matrix with his spark.
It is, and always has been, your destiny.
~The Primes

All my decepticon life, I never did a thing worth doing until now.
Optimus, take my parts and you will have a power you've never known.
Fulfill your destiny.

I rise, you fall.
~Optimus Prime, after tore apart Fallen's face

Not to call you a coward, Master.
But sometimes cowards do survive.

Optimus Prime: Thank you, Sam, for saving my life.
Sam: Welcome.
Thank you for believing in me.

Our races united by a history long forgotten, and a future we shall face together.
I am Optimus Prime and I send this message so that our pasts will always be remembered,
for in those memories, we live on.
~Optimus Prime
