OB40mukEXQ6QZ1740xdjwF1LEQ4 Quote to Remember: THE PERFECT STORM [2000]


Saturday, May 12, 2012


The Storm Is Coming

Last night was worth it. 
There's nothin like sleepin' with you... 
just sleepin'... lyin next to you... all warm and sweet... 
Me wishin' the mornin' would never come... 
[Bobby Shatford]

Hi, Bobby, you're somewhere out there, on the deep blue goddamn sea, 
and I'm writing this on a box two semi-down pillows, 
that I secretly bought for us at Penny's, 
and I'm smiling at myself because the surprise I have in store for you... 
I'm talking removal, from our dungeons in the Crow's Nest... to our own place... 
It's no great shakes but... but ya gotta begin with a baby shake... right? 
Forever love Bobby... 
I'm in this for the long run... 
[Christina 'Chris' Cotter]

I knew Billy Tyne, but I did not know his crew very well, but any man who sailed with him, must have been the better for it. 
Robert Shatford, Dale Murphy, Micheal Moran, David Sullivan, Alfred Pierre... 
May you rest easy long-liners, in fair winds, and calm seas... 
For those of us left behind, the vast unmarked grave which is home for those lost at sea is no consolation. 
It can't be visited, there is no headstone on which to rest a bunch of flowers... 
The only place we can revisit them, is in our hearts, or in our dreams. 
They say swordboatmen suffer from a lack of dreams, that's what begets their courage... 
Well we'll dream for you: Billy, and Bobby, and Murph, Bugsy, Sully, and Alfred Pierre... 
Sleep well... Good Night...  
[Linda Greenlaw]


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